Friday, May 4, 2007

Kristianne, Wendy and Gabe

For my birthday Kristianne made me dinner (Chicken Parmigiana) and a beautiful cake. I got a new camera for my birthday - so here's a picture of the kids hamming it up for me.


J, D, and A said...

Well thank you for checking out my blog and for telling me about yours. Tell Kristianne hi for me... it's been a long time since I've seen her. Has she set a date for the wedding? That is so exciting!! Well I hope everything is going well and happy birthday to Kristianne.

Lansdale said...

Its great to hear from you Marla!Things are wonderful with the new baby. He is such a joy! I hope everything is going well for you and the family! It looks like you are all doing great. Please send Kristianne my love. Love you!


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! Yay for new camera. Heehee.