Thursday, May 3, 2007

Kristianne's 21st birthday

Kristianne turned 21 on April 27th, 2007. Robert and I took her and her fiance Gabe to Las Vegas for three days. We saw the Blue Man Group which was awesome. A must see. We stayed at the Golden Nugget right on Fremont Street which is such a neat experience. But the best part of the whole weekend, was being able to spend some quality time with Kristianne and Gabe. We had a blast.


Unknown said...

I'm glad you all has a good time!!! That is so neat you got to see the Blue Man Group. I would love to see them, they are pretty neat. (from what I have seen on TV anyways, heehee)

p.s. Happy Belated Birthday Kristianne!!

Patricia's blog said...

Happy 21st b-day daughter # 2 i love you! glad you guys had a great time in vegas, Gordon and i went and saw it years ago, we had a blast. love you all Patti

Anonymous said...

I miss you guys!!!! Tell Kristianne Hi for me! and to call me sometime to hang out or just give me her number so i can call her!! How is everyone doing?? Tell kann happy 21st and robbie 20th! They are getting old haha. I miss you marla! Let me know how its going.