Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Kristianne and Gabes Wedding March 15, 2008

They are so much in love. It was a beautiful day and a beautiful ceremony. Thought I'd put a few pics on here for everyone to see. We won't get the professional ones for a little while, but thanks to Chris and Patty, we have a few to share right now.


Judy said...

So beautiful I know you were very proud. But I am sure you are also glad it is finally over. (smile) weddings are hectic and stressful at times for sure. I pray they live a wonderful happy life long time together. Hugs

The Palmers said...

DUDE!!! I just finished the 4th one!! and I swear a girl at work said it best "This is not a book series, this is CRACK." If you go to her website (stephaniemeyer.com) you can read teh 1st chapter of the next book Midnight Sun that is a companion of Twilight from Edward's perspective. It will be amazing. I got a buch of girls at work addicted. Tell me how you like it!! You can email me if you want palmerjennifer08@yahoo.com or I can give you my work email if you want too. I hope you are having a grat day! TTYL