Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Kristianne and Gabe's Engagement Party August 18, 2007


Judy said...

Hope they got a lot of nice presents. And I pray they will be very happy.
Love ya

Unknown said...

Looks like a lot of fun! Hope they had a good time.

Patricia's blog said...

sorry i wasn't there, wish i could of been, but it was so late when Gordon got home, and dinner was done that it was all over, makes me sad, i missed it, ;0{
i love you Kristianne so very much, xoxox

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a LOVELY engagement dinner! I'm sorry we weren't able to be there, but you know the story with that. It was great seeing all of you at Emily's party. Maybe we could have a "Family Gathering" sometime soon!
That would be fun!
Love you all,

Anonymous said...

Hi there!!!! wow its nice to hear from you!!!! how are you??? Wow i knew kristianne was getting married, i wish that i could be apart of it a lil more...i miss her, i still consider her one of my greatest friends....
Rudy and i are doing great, he is in his third year of siminary here in fresno, and i am taking classes to be a pre-school teacher, and i am working at a construction company as a CSR and i like it a lot, between calls it gives me great opportunity to do some homework, we are going to be moving from a one bedroom apt to a 2 bedroom, YEAH!!! its great because i get a washer and a dryer!!!! Rudy also works at a body shop as a manager and is doing quite well!!! we have already been married a lil over a year now, it goes so fast!!! but i want to know how you are doing? how is life and wow....soon to be new son in law. i met him once at the funeral of tony and he seems to be a sweet guy and great for kristianne, she mentioned she was going to invite me to the wedding, i hope so. well write soon, love and miss you tons!! God Bless! Christine