Monday, May 21, 2007

Robert at The Blue Man Group

Well, they say a little girl always wants to marry someone just like their Daddy. I guess Kristianne has found that man!!!

Gabe during the Blue Man Group

For some reason, when you go to see The Blue Man Group, they pass out toilet paper and you're supposed to tie it around your head. Hmmmm....notice that only Gabe and Robert did this? Dorks

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

"Little" Tony Farrar

Our “Little Tony” had sad we became,
In hearing that with your whole life you gave.

Fighting for what in your heart you believed,
It still was so hard, that all our hearts grieved.

But knowing that you, a soldier, brave and strong,
Was there to make right out of so much wrong.

Our love for you, gave us all strength,
Believing that you would endure through the length.

Then came the news, that a hero you were,
With all of the pride, there were so many tears.

I hope in your life you knew how loved you are.
And that you will carry our love to afar.

Your grandmother greeted you at the gates I know,
With Johnny and all other loved ones in tow.

The family you’re with, is our family to come,
And someday soon, we will all be one.

But until then, please know this,
That each and every day, you will be missed.

Your precious life will be a tender memory,
With ferocious pride of how you fought for the free.

With so much love, we say ‘good-bye’ to you today,
Knowing our reunion will be not so far away.

So, now, right here, we remember you with love,
Until, Little Tony, we will meet with you above.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Our Niece Kati

This is a picture of Robert and my niece Kati. She is 33 weeks pregnant with her first baby. We can't wait to hold this little one!!!

Kristianne, Wendy and Gabe

For my birthday Kristianne made me dinner (Chicken Parmigiana) and a beautiful cake. I got a new camera for my birthday - so here's a picture of the kids hamming it up for me.

Robbie trying to get Megan to take a nap

Doesn't look like it's working does it?

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Kristianne's 21st birthday

Kristianne turned 21 on April 27th, 2007. Robert and I took her and her fiance Gabe to Las Vegas for three days. We saw the Blue Man Group which was awesome. A must see. We stayed at the Golden Nugget right on Fremont Street which is such a neat experience. But the best part of the whole weekend, was being able to spend some quality time with Kristianne and Gabe. We had a blast.

Trying Sushi for the first time

Gabe convinced Kristianne to try some of his sushi. She has never had it. Here are pics of her having sushi.

Taking a bite of Sushi

Kristianne's reaction to eating Sushi

She did not like it....he he...

Gabe and Kristianne

Eating at a buffet for her 21st birthday weekend in Vegas

Playing Mario Bros on Nintendo

Well, our family has been competing with each other to see who could beat Mario Bros on the Nintendo System. Of course, Robbie beat all of us...more than once. Here is a picture of Megan trying to beat Robbie.


Although he is growing like a weed, he still loves to be held.

Ranger and Sabot

This is Ranger. He is Robbie and Britt's puppy. Robbie got him for Britt for Christmas. He is such a crazy dog - full of personality. What a cutie.