Thursday, July 26, 2007

Our nephew AJ

Okay, so I posted about Stud, the new addition to our family....and my sister in law Cindy, sends me an e-mail about how cute the dog is, but where are the pics of the new baby in our family? You're right Cindy. So, here's a few pics of Kati and AJ. Isn't he sweet?

Our niece Kati and baby AJ

Kati and Little AJ

Isn't this the sweetest picture?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Meet the new addition to our family

This is Stud. He is Kristianne and Gabes puppy. He is so cute and so funny to watch. Kristianne cracks me up by asking Stud if he wants to see Grandma or Grandpa...which is myself or Robert. We love this little baby dog.

Gabe and Stud

Kristianne and Stud

Kristianne's beautiful engagement ring

Isn't that pretty????

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Kristianne and Gabe's Wedding Date

I have been asked by several when Kristianne and Gabe are getting married.
The date is March 15th, 2008. They are getting married at Edwards Mansion in Redlands. The ceremony will be an intimate one with family and close friends. While we wish we could invite everyone, Robert and I cannot afford a wedding like that with all of you all. If we invited everyone we would love to have there, Robert and I would be in the poor house for sure!! And then we would have to live with Gabe and Kristianne, or Robbie and Britt. While I plan on living with my kids when I am old so they can change my diapers and I can torture them on a daily basis, I am not ready at this stage to put any of us through that...he he....
But I did want to let everyone know who has been asking when they are getting married.
I'll be sure to post alot of pictures for everyone to see.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My mom and my Dad at Mom's birthday party

Such a cute couple. I love this picture.

My mom and my grandmother

This is my mom and her mother. Our Grandma Benz who we all call GG.

Gramma and some of her granddaughters

What a great picture

My mom with Amanda, Ashley and Amber

Four beautiful ladies....

Amanda, Ashley and Amber at Gramma's birthday party

These are my beautiful nieces, Amanda, Ashley and Amber Thiem.

Queen Kristianne - The Bride to Be

Kristianne won a drawing at David's Bridal for a Mary Kay Party. While the party was somewhat boring...the company was not. Thanks Chris, Wendy, Cheryl, Kat....we always laugh when we're with you guys!!!

Here's Vanna

Kristianne modeling the Mary Kay nail polish.

Us Girls at the Mary Kay Party

Here is a group pic at the party. Thanks Kat for letting us use your home!!!